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Awaken Full Movie Part 1

Posted in HomeBy adminOn 02/11/17

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens Reviews. Equivalent to an extraneous, guest- directed, fan- service beach party OVA for a masterpiece anime series. Pretty much exactly what I would expect from a J.

J. Abrams Star Wars: glossy, Zack Snydery, insubstantial scene- clips that provide entertainment for people with attention disorder and the uneducated/drugged masses; teen- angsty, referencing prior movie's characters nostalgically and killing them off, distractingly exceeding social boundaries without regard for the universe, formulaically including everything from prior movies, being excessively loud and flashy with action scenes, and having no central protagonist. The movie was a series of Star Wars cliches. Cliches can be just fine with the right style, but 9. Chewbacca and Han Solo on the Millennium Falcon; Han Solo still being poor and getting in trouble by smuggling after, what, 5. WTF?; other people on the Millennium Falcon doing the exact same thing as prior movies; presenting lightsabres; lightsabres glowing on people's faces; outlandish lightsabre designs because A LIGHTSABRE ISN'T INTERESTING ENOUGH; force persuade used exactly the same way as before; a desert vendor oppressing the main character; R2.

D2 and C3. PO; Jedi trainee going nuts and killing people; diverse rebels, further inbred by J. J. Abrams' inherent over- promotion of diversity in size, shape, color, and attractiveness - - not one that looks good; and, of all things, drastically changing ALL OTHER ASPECTS OF EDITING, such as pacing, everything about the camera- work: angles, stillness, shakiness, shot length, zoom amount, rotation, panning, artificial out- of- focus blur effects and colors except nostalgically keeping the traditional diagonal, inter- scene fade line. That Sugar Film Online Putlocker on this page.

Why bother? Other faults: The CG felt almost as bad as the latter prequels and was distracting - - still a far cry from LOTR CG after 1. The droid expended energy to appear indecisive, depressed, etc. J. J Abrams or Disney added when taking the probably- good screenplay and making it their own. It felt as though the entire movie was originally well- conceived and would have been good in the hands of any competent director who knows how to bring empathy to characters and immersiveness to the audience. Then they deviated from the plan by hiring J. J. Abrams who removed the entire top coat, killing three decades of Star Wars lore for nothing: adding Nazi speeches to the stormtroopers, female stormtroopers, black stormtroopers, despite the Empire only allowing (speech- wise) white male humans; used 2. Jedi Rey despite making the new Jedi character female as a statement; dropped dozens of disgusting Star Wars cliches for "nostalgia" (listed above); choreographed lightsabres battles where there were probably none in the screenplay; put in excessive Han Solo and a pathetic performance of a now- "General" (as a statement) Princess Leia.

The movie also suffered from a bad, forgettable soundtrack. Watch The Fifth Estate Download Full here. They should have fired John Williams since he clearly wasn't able to compose a competent soundtrack for the prequels either.

They didn't even get him to compose a replacement fanfare (something he, or someone else, could have easily done) - - this was a huge missed opportunity as it could have defined the entire Disney brand, had the movie been successful, and it could be used to replace the original trilogy fanfare, should copyright ever prevent their use. It was shocking to see Han Solo sound excited after using Chewbacca's crossbow for apparently the first time, despite them being together for 5. Totally implausible and immersion- shattering.

Expendables 3, The (Comparison: Theatrical Version - Extended Director's Cut) - Movie-Censorship.com. Dealafrica brings you all the best daily deals and coupons being offered in South-Africa. Continues from Part 3. If you need help identifying a long forgotten movie, you've come to the right place. We'd always recommend a bit of self-sufficient key. Attack on Titan leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions. These are the craziest fan theories that actually make a lot of sense.

It is inexcusable, and without words, to allow the non- Jedi to even think of wielding a lightsabre, much less, against a dark Jedi. As for the dark Jedi, or Lord Schnoz, as I like to call him, the guy was so poorly chosen and mis- directed, I missed Anakin from the prequels. By the end, I actually missed the originality, as bizarre and grating to watch as it was, from George Lucas, to this cliche- fest brought forth by J. J. Abrams. At least George Lucas didn't smear Star Wars cliches everywhere.

Click here to see the full interview. Liberating the Ancestors (link to full article) What follows is an inquiry into the nature of life and who we are, not by.

Awaken  Full Movie Part 1

Certainly the over- production, CG, and annoying sidekick aspects didn't go down much in the switch!

Awaken  Full Movie Part 1