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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 27/05/17Ted Cruz - Wikipedia. Rafael Edward Cruz (; born December 2. American politician and attorney who has served as the junior. Watch Murder Eleven Online (2017). Watch Melissa P. Online Metacritic.
United States Senator from Texas since 2. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2. Cruz is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School. From 1. 99. 9 to 2. Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, and a Domestic Policy Advisor to George W. Bush on the 2. 00.
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George W. Bush Presidential campaign. Cruz served as Solicitor General of Texas, from 2. Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott. He was the first Hispanic, and the longest- serving, Solicitor General in Texas history.
- Early life and political career. Cynthia McKinney was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the daughter of Leola McKinney, a retired nurse, and Billy McKinney, a law enforcement.
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- Insight into North Korea (Women & Children Human Rights) 2nd November 7pm - 9pm Senate House - Alumni Lecture Theater For their Insight into North Korea project, the.
From 2. 00. 4 to 2. Cruz was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas, where he taught U. S. Supreme Court litigation. Cruz ran for and won the Senate seat vacated by fellow Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison in 2. He is the first Hispanic American to serve as a U. S. Senator representing Texas, and is one of three senators of Cuban descent.
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Early life and family. Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 2.
Foothills General Hospital[4][5] in Calgary, Alberta, to parents Eleanor Elizabeth (née Darragh) Wilson and Rafael Bienvenido Cruz y Díaz.[6][7][8][9] Cruz's mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three- quarters Irish and one- quarter Italian descent. She earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in the 1. Cruz' paternal grandfather, Rafael, immigrated to Cuba as an infant with his parents from the Canary Islands of Spain.[1. Cruz's father Rafael Bienvenido Cruz y Díaz is Cuban American, born in Cuba and growing up middle class there. He left Cuba in 1.
University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the U. S. after his four- year student visa expired, as the Cuban Revolution had changed the government.[1. He earned Canadian citizenship in 1.
He became a naturalized U. S. citizen in 2. 00. Eleanor and Rafael Cruz divorced in 1.
At the time of his birth, Cruz's parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic- data processing firm for oil drilling.[8][1. Cruz has said, "I'm the son of two mathematicians/computer programmers."[2. In 1. 97. 4, his father left the family and moved to Texas.[2.
Later that year, his parents reconciled and relocated to Houston.[4] Cruz has two older half- sisters, Miriam Ceferina Cruz and Roxana Lourdes Cruz, from his father's first marriage. Miriam died in 2. Education. Cruz attended two private high schools: Faith West Academy near Katy, Texas; [2. Second Baptist High School in Houston, from which he graduated as valedictorian in 1. During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston- based group known at the time as the Free Market Education Foundation, a program that taught high school students the philosophies of economists such as Milton Friedman and Frédéric Bastiat.[1. Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University in 1. Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[2.
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.[2][2. While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig- Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1. U. S. National Debating Championship and the 1. North American Debating Championship.[3. In 1. 99. 2, he was named U. S. National Speaker of the Year and, with his debate partner David Panton, also Team of the Year by the American Parliamentary Debate Association.[3. Cruz and Panton later represented Harvard Law School at the 1.
World Debating Championship, losing in the semi- finals to a team from Australia.[3. Princeton's debate team named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[3. Cruz's senior thesis at Princeton investigated the separation of powers; its title, Clipping the Wings of Angels, draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to US President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and that the last two items in the Bill of Rights offer an explicit stop against an all- powerful state.[1.
After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1. Juris Doctor degree.[2][3. While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, an executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[2. Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off- the- charts brilliant".[3. At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.[4. Cruz serves on the Board of Advisors of the Texas Review of Law and Politics.[4.
Legal career. Clerkships. Cruz served as a law clerk to J. Michael Luttig of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in 1. William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, in 1. Cruz was the first Hispanic to clerk for a Chief Justice of the United States.[4.
Private practice. After Cruz finished his clerkships, he took a position with Cooper, Carvin & Rosenthal, now known as Cooper & Kirk, LLC, from 1.
While with the firm, Cruz worked on matters relating to the National Rifle Association, and helped prepare testimony for the impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton.[4. In 1. 99. 8, Cruz was briefly one of the attorneys who represented Congressman John Boehner during his litigation against Congressman Jim Mc. Dermott, which concerned the alleged leak of an illegal recording of a phone conversation whose participants included Boehner.[4.
Bush administration. Cruz joined the George W. Bush presidential campaign in 1.
Governor George W. Bush on a wide range of policy and legal matters, including civil justice, criminal justice, constitutional law, immigration, and government reform.[4. Cruz assisted in assembling the Bush legal team, devising strategy, and drafting pleadings for filing with the Supreme Court of Florida and U. S. Supreme Court in the case Bush v. Gore during the 2. Florida presidential recounts, leading to two wins for the Bush team.[4.
Cruz recruited future Chief Justice. John Roberts and noted attorney Mike Carvin to the Bush legal team.[4.
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