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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 19/10/17Michael Moore's view on what happened to the United States after September 11; and how the Bush Administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 American documentary film directed, written by, and starring filmmaker, director and political commentator Michael Moore.
Surely Nothing but Satan Himself Could Explain This European Heat Wave Named 'Lucifer'A devastating heat wave surging through southern Europe has earned the unofficial moniker of “Lucifer,” according to several news reports this weekend. Things over there do seem pretty bad, real bad, bad enough there that the only logical conclusion is Satan danced down there himself, possibly with a fiddle, and played a song which cursed the very winds themselves with the tunes of brimstone and ruin after somebody lost a bet. At least two people died over the course of the heat wave, which caused temperatures to spike as high as 4. Celsius (1. 11 Fahrenheit) in southern Spain and 4. Celsius (1. 04 Fahrenheit) in the French Riviera, per the New York Times. Temperatures were forecast as high as slightly over 4. Celsius (1. 08 Fahrenheit) in mainland Greece.
On Monday, the New York Times published a copy of the special science section of the draft 2018 National Climate Assessment, which federal climate researchers had. In a terrifying care-free future, a young man, Guy Montag, whose job as a fireman is to burn all books, questions his actions after meeting a young girl.and begins. At least two people died over the course of the heat wave, which caused temperatures to spike as high as 44 Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) in southern Spain and 40 Celsius.
According to Agence France- Presse, local conditions in Italy’s Campania region caused temperatures to feel much higher, around 5. Watch I Love Trouble HD 1080P more. Celsius (1. 31 Farenheit).
Surging electrical demand in Poland caused the government to warn of “possible infrastructure failures” and disperse staff early. Train tracks in southern Serbia warped, the Romanian government urged Bucharest residents to stay indoors and an Italian drought which has already cost over $1 billion dragged on. Per Reuters, the Italian grape harvest started weeks early, with Slow Food movement leader Carlo Petrini telling La Stampa he had never heard of it ever starting before August 1.
Reuters also reported 3. Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Croatia. While the Times reported two deaths, AFP reported as many as five, with hospital admissions in Italy running 1. It’s almost enough to make one wonder if this heat wave could be correlated with all those other heat waves across the world, or the inexplicable trend of the planet breaking global heat records on a regular basis. Maybe there’s some kind of thing that we, humans, are pumping into the atmosphere that causes it to retain more heat, perhaps making said events more likely. Hmm. But since no such theory, perhaps of so- called global climate “change,” has been devised or vetted by the vast majority of climate scientists, we’re just going to have to hand it to the devil on this one and guess the thing we are pumping into the atmosphere is sin. Curse you, Lucifer![New York Times].
New York Times Posts Major Federal Climate Change Report Before Trump and Pruitt Can Cook the Books [Updated]On Monday, the New York Times published a copy of the special science section of the draft 2. National Climate Assessment, which federal climate researchers had completed but feared Donald Trump’s administration and new Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt were plotting to smother in its crib. The draft report reflects federal scientists’ continued and unshaken belief human industrial activity is the primary driver of climate change, despite Trump’s belief that there is cold weather at all debunks the whole thing and Pruitt’s belief human CO2 emissions might not be related. It takes note of thousands of scientific studies, and particularly focuses on the rapid rise in US average temperatures since 1. It also emphasizes research indicating the past few decades have been the warmest in 1,5. Evidence for a changing climate abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans,” the report’s executive summary informs readers. Thousands of studies conducted by tens of thousands of scientists around the world have documented changes in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures; melting glaciers; disappearing snow cover; shrinking sea ice; rising sea level; and an increase in atmospheric water vapor.
The last few years have also seen record- breaking, climate- related weather extremes, as well as the warmest years on record for the globe.”“There are no alternative explanations” to human industrial activity being the cause, it adds, and “no natural cycles are found in the observational record that can explain the observed changes in climate.”The report cites a documented rise in global annual average temperature from 1. Celsius (1. 6 Fahrenheit).
It also warns that even if humans simply stopped pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere today, temperatures would rise another . Celsius (. 5 Fahrenheit) this century, but current projections put humanity on a path towards over 2 degrees Celsius rise, which would be disastrous. In another blow to Trump’s conviction the weather somehow disproves climate change, the report noted scientists are increasingly able to link extreme weather events like heat waves, storms and droughts to rising temperatures. Though the Times initially reported the paper was leaked, indicating it was sent to them by someone involved in the process of its creation, numerous scientists noted a draft version had been circulating online since the EPA first released it for public comment last year. The 2. 01. 8 National Climate Assessment is legally mandated, meaning the Trump administration could face lawsuits if (or more likely, when) it suppresses it.
The scientific section of the report posted by the Times requires sign- off from 1. EPA and others now headed by climate skeptics, and the White House. In early August, Nature received documents suggesting Pruitt was moving ahead with a shamelessly cynical plan to require future EPA research be vetted in a “red team, blue team” format, which would turn its review board into a war between actual scientists and industry flacks. Pruitt had already fired half the EPA board of scientific counselors, seemingly in preparation to hire red team panelists recommended by the fossil fuel industry- backed Heartland Institute.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which coordinates federal climate reports, also had no staff in its science division left as of July 1. The publicization of the report is a clear middle finger to Trump, Pruitt and their plan to derail federal climate research and policy, and it ensures the public has an opportunity to review it before they get their big, grubby mitts all over it. But given Trump’s penchant for launching into a self- destructive rage every time an act of rebellion embarrasses him, it could also inspire the White House into an ill- advised act of revenge.[New York Times]Update: While the original Times story insisted the report had not been made available to the public before it was published on their website, the paper has since corrected their account to show it was actually first spread online in December 2. EPA posted it to their website as part of a public commenting period. Whoops. Still, that someone took it to the Times reflected concern Trump, Pruitt or others in the administration would interfere with the final release draft of the report, or suppress it entirely. This article has been updated accordingly.