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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 09/10/17A Deeply Disturbing Year- Clif High. By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.

Early Sunday Release)Internet data mining expert Clif High predicts 2. High explains, “2. Trump in power also defeated the other faction, which has been on a roll ever since the Mc. Carthy era. There has been push for centralization and a push for the control mechanism basically from Nazi infiltration into the United States at the end of WWII. Tens of thousands came in and infiltrated the infrastructure of the United States. So, we saw a push with the centralization of government, and if the Clinton faction had won, we would have seen a Hitler type of nexus where banking, political and military power would have been centrally joined. That faction has been defeated, and 7. It’s crashed. . . We are in a narrative vacuum at the moment.
How to set powerful, intentional goals for 2017. Our film critics on blockbusters, independents and everything in between. Watch32 - Watch Movies on - Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Directed by Jeff Lieberman. With Alexander Brickel, Katheryn Winnick, Stephen Graham, Amanda Plummer. A naive young boy unknowingly becomes the pawn of a serial killer.
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I think that everyone in the United States, at a core level, will be faced with an examination of what we think is true. The faction that has won is not opposed to the general population learning the truth in terms of recent history and distant history. The Hillary Clinton group represented global warming, carbon credits, and the Trump group represents the part of the deep state that knows we have to get ready to deal with a new ice age. So, there are all sorts of levels that are going to be broken up that we thought were true.”Clif High’s most recent research, which he calls “predictive linguistics,” points to a dollar crash and a bond market crash this year. High contends, “The data sets have this period from March to May being politically and economically chaotic in terms of the language. We have had stuff about bonds for months, about how the bonds are just going to be vomited out of institutions for poor performance and for basically a drag on them. They are going to want to get rid of the bonds. We have seen for years it would be coming out of Europe before it hits the U. S. It’s all going to spring from the Italian banks.”So, what happened to the U. S. dollar with a crashing bond market?
High says, “The situation looks so dire to the central banks that their response will be rolled out in June. It will be a response building up for three or four months and political pressure put on them, and that’s why we get the hyperinflation. It’s because the central bank will be caught between a rock and a hard place. They will swamp the bond vigilantes and produce a huge amount of quantitative easing. That’s the approach our data suggests they take, and that will set us up for problems this fall.”An even bigger worry is the stock market and who exactly owns your stocks. High says, “The markets are going to present a very giant problem that I do not know if we will have the political will to tackle this year.
By Greg Hunter's (Early Sunday Release) Internet data mining expert Clif High predicts 2017 will be a "deeply disturbing year." High explains.
At some point, the faction that won will address the fraud within the markets themselves. Every day we trade nine times the amount of stock that exists on the planet. We have super infinitely hypothecated all of this, and no one knows who owns anything.” Because of this coming chaos in the markets, High says, “Bitcoin, gold and, above all, silver are going way up in value.”There will also be a big revelation that will be revealed about Antarctica in terms of history, civilization, raw materials and ancient technology that has been kept secret by the powers that have just been defeated. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One- on- One with Clif High of Half. Past. Human. com.(There is much, much more in the video interview.)After the Interview: You can buy the most recent report from Clif High by going to Half. Past. Human. com and scroll down to the latest report titled “Stoke It.” High is also giving away another report (with the purchase of his latest report) that focuses in- depth on Bitcoin, gold and silver.(To Donate to USAWatchdog.
Goal Setting, Part 1: Get Started. Welcome to the Sixth- Annual Make It Happen Goal Setting Series! I’m so grateful for this series, and for all of you who join each year. How has it been six years, friends? I’m so pumped for this year!!!
Want to listen to this post instead of read? Watch Silent Running Online Hollywoodtake. Here you go! One year ago today, I shared some big news with you.
We had just matched for our adoption, and had no idea what the year ahead would look like. I declared 2. The Year of Getting Messy”—embracing imperfect grace- filled progress—and that’s exactly what it was. More on that shortly.)If you are new to this series, welcome—you’re in for a treat this year! I’m Lara. I’m a mom to three, a business owner, and I live in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. But, the most important thing you should know about me before we start this series is this: I don’t write about goal setting because I love goal setting. The words “goal setting” have often given me the heebie jeebies. I have a lot of things to take care of in my life (like you), and I don’t have room for a whole lot more (I’m guessing that’s like you too), and I get tense even thinking about the pressure to accomplish something beyond my current capacity (areyouwithme?).
We don’t do traditional pressure- filled, do- it- all goal setting around here. We uncover intentional, less- is- more goals. I call these, “good goals.”Good goals are about stewarding what you’ve been given well: your relationships, your money, your possessions, your work, your children, your home, your health, and your time. A little intentional forethought goes a long way! Over the last six years, as my life has dramatically changed, so has this goal uncovering process. I’ve studied what makes people feel unmotivated, and I’ve discovered some pretty amazing not- so- secret secrets to getting unstuck. Uncovering good goals is not about doing it all; it’s about doing what matters.
Whether you’re a mom, a student, a business owner, in transition, in the wait—in any place where you are in life, we’re going to let go of guilt- filled resolutions, and embrace a whole new way of doing this goal setting thing. For those of you like me who do not like traditional goal setting, you are in the right place! From hereon out, when I mention “goals” or “goal setting,” know that I’m talking about good, grace- filled goals. Here’s what good GOALS are all about: Grow what matters. One step. At a time. Little by little your. Seeds will grow. The alternative to uncovering good goals is going through the motions, not feeling confidence that you’re on the right path, lacking motivation, and not taking care of what you’ve been given well. Speaking from experience here.)Good goals–the kind we are going to uncover together–give you direction, and unending motivation. You can’t simultaneously do it all and do life well. But you can choose to cultivate what matters, right where you are.
Here’s what you can expect in this five- part series: Each day, I’m going to walk through a mix of goal uncovering steps from my first book, Make it Happen (which you can sample here), the 2. Power. Sheets, and I have some new ones that we’ve never done before! The Power. Sheets* and my book have many more steps, and helpful prompts, than I’ve listed in this series. This is just a tiny sampling. Do you need the Power. Sheets and book to have an intentional year?
No. You don’t need any thing to live this life well. They are great tools if you choose to use them, but if you only do this blog series, and use scrap paper to write your answers, that’s great too. Use what you have! If you are someone who has been stuck in indecision lately, or feeling fear about diving into new things, practice what I call, “making a mess!” Use whatever you have available to write with, and on! It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just dig in.*UPDATED: We sold out of all of the 2.
Power. Sheets, and are blown away by the response this year! You can read more here.
But! We just opened pre- orders for a small batch that will be in stock in the spring for the second half of the year. Order HERE! As we go through each step together, use the comment area here to leave your answers, or write them in your Power. Sheets, a journal, or on scrap paper. Don’t just think your answers.
Thinking them doesn’t count. Write them out and, if you want accountability, leave them boldly here in the comments. I want to cheer you on, and this year I’m going to leave some of my answers in the comments too!
Friends, help me out here and cheer each other on, too. You never know who how your words might change someone! If you need an extra kick in the pants to make it happen, I have a giveaway at the end that might encourage you : )Ready to dig in? Step 1, here we go! STEP ONE: In order to leap into the new, we first must know where we are leaping from. I’m going to ask you the golden question: How are you? Really.
How are you? Let’s look at each area of our lives and do a little check- in. Look at the categories below and write out how you are doing in each one. Feel free to write in your own categories, too! Give each area of your life a rating between 1 and 1. Health– Friends– Family (including your significant other, if applicable)– Finances– Spiritual– Work– Recreation– Environment. Here’s a free printable 2. Check- in Worksheet for you—yay!
This is step one for a reason. How are you?” seems like a simple question, but when answered from our heart of hearts, it can help set you on an entirely new path.
It can change everything. Reply in the comments, or on paper right now. I’ll leave my answers in the comments too! And don’t get stuck in the negative soil. Include thoughts about what is good in each area, too! Watch The Girl In The Park Putlocker#.
For instance, as for my feelings about finances: I’ve been challenged by contentment and emotional spending at times, but I have become more skilled at managing money. It took ten years, but I now feel comfortable navigating Quickbooks, doing our business bookkeeping, and analyzing where we are. Never thought I would type that!) Allow yourself to write the things that may feel undone, imperfect, or hard, and write in some positive thoughts too—even if the positive feels tiny! Now, a bonus challenge: let the dirt be dirt.
Once you’ve written everything out, be still with your feelings for a moment—whatever they may be—without trying to change them or push them away immediately. Let the challenges and places you’d like to grow sink in a little. If you’re like me, I often want to fix my circumstances right away instead of letting myself feel anything at all. My instinct is to reach for a distraction when faced with something that feels hard. But, that never brings me real lasting peace or clarity. So, let’s not do that. Maybe the soil of your life needs some fresh nutrients, or maybe there are some big rocks in the way of you planting new things.
The only way you’ll know though, is to see what’s there first. STEP TWO: Watch this video (or at least the first 3. I made for you…What have you been chasing recently, or in the last year? Do you feel like you are “chasing perfect” in some ways—attempting to measure up to an impossible standard? Write or type here what you have been chasing, and how that has been making you feel.
Maybe you’ve been chasing success, significance, or approval. Maybe you’ve been trying to keep up, survive, or just get through. Whatever you’ve been chasing, name it boldly and know that you are not alone.
To name your chase is to destroy it.