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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 02/10/17Ellis Island - Facts & Summary. Ellis Island is little more than a spit of sand in the Hudson River, located just south of Manhattan. The Mohegan Indians who lived on the nearby shores call the island Kioshk, or Gull Island. In the 1. 63. 0s, a Dutch man, Michael Paauw, acquires the island and renames it Oyster Island for the plentiful amounts of shellfish on its beaches.
During the 1. 70. Gibbet Island, for its gibbet, or gallows tree, used to hang men convicted of piracy.

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Around the time of the Revolutionary War, the New York merchant Samuel Ellis purchases the island, and builds a tavern on it that caters to local fisherman. Ellis dies in 1. 79. New York State buys the island from his family for $1. The U. S. War Department pays the state for the right to use Ellis Island to build military fortifications and store ammunition, beginning during the War of 1. Half a decade later, Ellis Island is used as a munitions arsenal for the Union army during the Civil War.
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Meanwhile, the first federal immigration law, the Naturalization Act, is passed in 1. U. S. for two years to become citizens. There is little regulation of immigration when the first great wave begins in 1.

Nearly 5 million people will arrive from northern and western Europe over the next 4. Castle Garden, one of the first state- run immigration depots, opens at the Battery in lower Manhattan in 1. The Potato Famine that strikes Ireland (1.
Irish alone in the next decade. Concurrently, large numbers of Germans flee political and economic unrest. Rapid settlement of the West begins with the passing of the Homestead Act in 1. Attracted by the opportunity to own land, more Europeans begin to immigrate.
After the Civil War, Ellis Island stands vacant, until the government decides to replace the New York immigration station at Castle Garden, which closes in 1. Control of immigration is turned over to the federal government, and $7. Ellis Island. Artesian wells are dug and the island’s size is doubled to over six acres, with landfill created from incoming ships’ ballast and the excavation of subway tunnels in New York. Beginning in 1. 87. United States forbids prostitutes and criminals from entering the country.
The Chinese Exclusion Act is passed in 1. Also restricted are “lunatics” and “idiots.”1. The first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opens on January 1, 1. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 4. Over the next five decades, more than 1. United States. 1. On June 1. 5, 1. 89.
Though no one is killed, all Ellis Island records dating back to 1. Castle Garden era are destroyed. The immigration station is relocated to the barge office in Manhattan’s Battery Park. The new fireproof facility is officially opened in December, and 2,2. To prevent a similar situation from occurring again, President Theodore Roosevelt appoints a new commissioner of immigration, William Williams, who cleans house on Ellis Island in 1.
To eliminate corruption and abuse, Williams awards contracts based on merit and announces contracts will be revoked if any dishonesty is suspected. He imposes penalties for any violation of this rule and posts “Kindness and Consideration” signs as reminders to workers. To create additional space at Ellis Island, two new islands are created using landfill.
Island Two houses the hospital administration and contagious diseases ward, while Island Three holds the psychiatric ward. By 1. 90. 6, Ellis Island has grown to more than 2. Anarchists are denied admittance into the United States as of 1. On April 1. 7, 1.
Ellis Island experiences its highest number of immigrants received in a single year, with 1,0. A federal law is passed excluding persons with physical and mental disabilities, as well as children arriving without adults. World War I begins in 1.
Ellis Island experiences a sharp decline in receiving immigrants: From 1. Anti- immigrant sentiment increases after the U. Shaolin Temple 3: Martial Arts Of Shaolin Full Movie In English. S. enters the war in 1.
German citizens are seized on ships in East Coast ports and interned at Ellis Island before being deported. Starting in 1. 91. Ellis Island operates as a hospital for the U. S. Army, a way station for Navy personnel and a detention center for enemy aliens. By 1. 91. 8, the Army takes over most of Ellis Island and creates a makeshift way station to treat sick and wounded American servicemen. The literacy test is introduced at this time, and stays on the books until 1.
Those over the age of 1. Ellis Island. Nearly all Asian immigrants are banned. At war’s end, a “Red Scare” grips America, in reaction to the Russian Revolution. Ellis Island is used to intern immigrant radicals accused of subversive activity; many of them are deported. President Warren G. Harding signs the Emergency Quota Act into law in 1. According to the new law, annual immigration from any country cannot exceed 3 percent of the total number of U.
S. immigrants from that same country, as recorded in the U. S. Census of 1. 91. The Immigration Act of 1. The buildings on Ellis Island begin to fall into neglect and abandonment.
America is experiencing the end of mass immigration. By 1. 93. 2, the Great Depression has taken hold in the U. S., and for the first time more immigrants leave the country than arrive. By 1. 94. 9, the U.
S. Coast Guard has taken over most of Ellis Island, using it for office and storage space. The passage of the Internal Security Act of 1. With this, Ellis Island experiences a brief resurgence in activity. Renovations and repairs are made in an effort to accommodate detainees, who sometimes number 1,5.
The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1. Mc. Carran–Walter Act), combined with a liberalized detention policy, causes the number of detainees on the island to plummet to fewer than 3.
All 3. 3 structures on Ellis Island are officially closed in November 1. In March 1. 95. 5, the federal government declares the island surplus property; it is subsequently placed under the jurisdiction of the General Services Administration.
In 1. 96. 5, President Lyndon B. Johnson issues Proclamation 3. Ellis Island falls under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service as part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument.
Ellis Island opens to the public in 1. Main Arrivals Building. During this year, more than 5. Also in 1. 96. 5, President Johnson signs a the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1. Hart- Celler Act, which abolishes the earlier quota system based on national origin and establishes the foundations for modern U. S. immigration law.
The act allows more individuals from third- world countries to enter the U. S. (including Asians, who have in the past been barred from entry) and establishes a separate quota for refugees. In 1. 98. 2, at the request of President Ronald Reagan, Lee Iacocca of the Chrysler Corporation heads the Statue of Liberty- Ellis Island Foundation to raise funds from private investors for the restoration and preservation of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. By 1. 98. 4, when the restoration begins, the annual number of visitors to Ellis Island has reached 7. The $1. 56 million dollar restoration of Ellis Island’s Main Arrivals Building is completed and re- opened to the public in 1.
The Main Building houses the new Ellis Island Immigration Museum, in which many of the rooms have been restored to the way they appeared during the island’s peak years. Since 1. 99. 0, some 3. Ellis Island to trace the steps of their ancestors. Meanwhile, immigration into the United States continues, mostly by land routes through Canada and Mexico. Illegal immigration becomes a constant source of political debate throughout the 1. More than 3 million aliens receive amnesty through the Immigration Reform Act in 1. In 1. 99. 8, the U.
S. Supreme Court rules that New Jersey has authority over the south side of Ellis Island, or the section composed of the landfill added after 1. New York retains authority over the island’s original 3. Main Arrivals Building.
The policies put into effect by the Immigration Act of 1. American population by the end of the 2.