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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 11/06/17Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized. Is water a free and basic human right, or should all the water on the planet belong to major corporations and be treated as a product? Should the poor who cannot afford to pay these said corporations suffer from starvation due to their lack of financial wealth?
Please watch this complete video recording of President Donald Trump's October 25, 2017 interview with Lou Dobbs on October 25, 2017.
Watch Dogs 2 got its final patch today, which makes impossible to use mods while online if you’re playing on PC. The game’s publisher, Ubisoft, says that this is. Directed by Peter Weir. With Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Colin Farrell, Dragos Bucur. Siberian gulag escapees travel 4,000 miles by foot to freedom in India. Jihad Watch. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT Homeland Security but no one has the guts to say who’s really running it. No, it’s not “Big Sis,” alleged lesbian Janet Napolitano.
According to the former CEO and now Chairman of the largest food product manufacturer in the world, corporations should own every drop of water on the planet — and you’re not getting any unless you pay up. The company notorious for sending out hordes of ‘internet warriors’ to defend the company and its actions online in comments and message boards (perhaps we’ll find some below) even takes a firm stance behind Monsanto’s GMOs and their ‘proven safety’. In fact, the former Nestle CEO actually says that his idea of water privatization is very similar to Monsanto’s GMOs. In a video interview, Nestle Chairman Peter Brabeck- Letmathe states that there has never been ‘one illness’ ever caused from the consumption of GMOs. Watch the video below for yourself: The way in which this sociopath clearly has zero regard for the human race outside of his own wealth and the development of Nestle, who has been caught funding attacks against GMO labeling, can be witnessed when watching and listening to his talk on the issue. This is a company that actually goes into struggling rural areas and extracts the groundwater for their bottled water products, completely destroying the water supply of the area without any compensation.
In fact, they actually make rural areas in the United States foot the bill. As reported on by Corporate Watch, Nestle and former CEO Peter Brabeck- Letmathe have a long history of disregarding public health and abusing the environment to take part in the profit of an astounding $3.
The report states: “Nestlé production of mineral water involves the abuse of vulnerable water resources. In the Serra da Mantiqueira region of Brazil, home to the “circuit of waters” park whose groundwater has a high mineral content and medicinal properties, over- pumping has resulted in depletion and long- term damage.”Nestle has also come under fire over the assertion that they are actually conducting business with massive slavery rings. Another Corporate Watch entry details: “In 2.
Nestlé faced criticism for buying cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Ghana, which may have been produced using child slaves.[5. According to an investigative report by the BBC, hundreds of thousands of children in Mali, Burkina Faso and Togo were being purchased from their destitute parents and shipped to the Ivory Coast, to be sold as slaves to cocoa farms.”.
So is water a human right, or should it be owned by big corporations? Well, if water is not here for all of us, then perhaps air should be owned by major corporations as well. And as for crops, Monsanto is already working hard to make sure their monopoly on our staple crops and beyond is well situated. It should really come as no surprise that this Nestle Chairman fights to keep Monsanto’s GMOs alive and well in the food supply, as his ideology lines right up with that of Monsanto. Watch Breakin` Online (2017) on this page. About Anthony Gucciardi: Anthony is a natural health and human empowerment writer, speaker, and entrepreneur whose writings have appeared in #1 USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best- Selling books and top 1.
After overcoming Lyme Disease and nerve- related facial paralysis, Anthony's work now reaches several million readers per month through his highly prolific group of social media pages and websites. Watch Dot And The Smugglers Download. Focused on self- development techniques and living a healthy lifestyle, Anthony currently sits on the Advisory Board to Natural Society in addition to managing and directing several other companies dedicated to enhancing social good.
Anthony's work routinely appears on both alternative and established websites and television programs alike, including Drudge Report, Thom Hartmann, Simple Reminders, RT, Infowars, Michael Savage, Gaiam TV, and many others.
The Jews Behind Homeland Security. Homeland Security Articles. The Jews Behind Homeland Security. By Brother Nathanael Kapner. Copyright 2. 01. 3April 5, 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News(SM)Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5.
Priest River ID 8. E- mail: brothernathanaelfoundation@yahoo. EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT Homeland Security but no one has the guts to say who’s really running it.
No, it’s not “Big Sis,” alleged lesbian Janet Napolitano, as Alex Jones would have us believe. Nor is it “power elites” that those fearless ‘truthers’ like Gerald Celente at infowars are telling us. JEWS, not lesbians and fascists, are pulling the strings at Homeland Security. And besides, with Napolitano being honored by Abe Foxman of the ADL for fighting “extremism” (shortage of “terrorists” means the Jew- controlled DHS has to go after us) is proof enough that she’s a pawn of the Jews. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Jew- intensive“special watchdog” for the DHS, has compiled an extensive list of ‘extremists’ INCLUDING many Christian organizations now in the crosshairs of the Christ- Hating Jews who run Homeland Security. At the top of the list of the Jews behind DHS is: Michael Chertoff– Former head of Homeland Security.
Current principal of The Chertoff Group, dubbed as a security consultancy company. The Chertoff Group is the primary consultant to Homeland Security, staffed by former DHS officers with Jews holding the highest positions as principals, senior advisers, top staffers, and ‘experts’ on national security. Indeed, all of these JEWS at the Chertoff Group are current advisers to DHS. And, of course, there’s all the Gentile shills like Michael Hayden whose fat paychecks signed by Chertoff are solid evidence that they’ve sold their souls to the Jews. At the same time, loads of Jews staff Homeland Security itself.
Noah Kroloff, a Jew at Chief of Staff was just replaced by another Jew, Amy Shlossman. The chief diplomatic officer at DHS is the Jew, Alan Bersin. And two Jews: David Heyman and Alan Cohn, are heads of policy. Yes, “policy” at Homeland Security is led and shaped by Jews.
So NEXT TIME you hear all the ‘truthers’ at infowars complaining about Homeland Security’s “policy” then quickly chime in with: Did you know that JEWS shape the “policy” at DHS? Jones will likely BAN you from ever posting again on his site for simply stating the facts.)Chertoff enjoys the dubious distinction of being awarded a multi- million dollar contract by Congress to put hundreds of Rapi. Scan “porno- scanners” in TSA lines throughout our nation’s airports. In 2. 01. 2, Chertoff was appointed head of the US division of BAE Systems, Europe’s largest weapons- maker, seeking via his influence a bigger piece of the Pentagon’s budget pie.
As the primary consultant to Homeland Security with advanced weapons now at his disposal, we can clearly see the fruit of Chertoff’s consulting services. Owing to Chertoff’s counsel, Homeland Security has purchased enough bullets, weapons and armored vehicles to wage a 7 year war on the American people.
Don’t be fooled. Janet Napolitano, an alleged lesbian who Alex Jones calls “Big Sis,” is nothing more than Chertoff’s puppet. Chertoff and his fellow Jews along with high- ranking Jews within DHS wield all the power necessary to grease the gears at America’s Cheka Unit known as Homeland Security. And these same Jews who run the federal police are slowly but surely absorbing the local police as well…all in the name of fighting extremism NOT ‘terrorists.’ And that’s scary…Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E- mail: brothernathanaelfoundation@yahoo. For More See: Jewry’s Lock On America’s Security.
Click Here. And: Prepare For A Jewish Police State. Click Here. And: Martial Law Coming Soon. Click Here. And: Homeland Security’s Deadly Ammo Plan. Click Here. Support Brother Nathanael! Send Your Donation To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo.
Scroll Down For Comments. Brother Nathanael @ April 4, 2.