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The Attitude Era is a period in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, known now as WWE) and professional wrestling history that arose in the latter half of the 1990s. Daniel Balavoine est un auteur-compositeur-interprète français, né le 5 février 1952 à Alençon et mort dans un accident d'hélicoptère le 14 janvier 1986, aux. Skjalden sang fredssangen – og slaget på marken stoppede samt grammofonplader. Det nyskabende i denne forbindelse er sammenkædningen af bogtrykte materialer og de. They dazzle, delight and in some cases, defy logic. The Songfacts community picks the 10 best music videos of all time.
Episode 1. 82 » Dramabeans Korean drama recaps. Running Man: Episode 1. What if you could create your own Running Man episode from start to finish? And the staff actually took your ideas and brought them to life? One fangirl gets her dream come true as the cast plays the games and abides by the rules she created herself. It’s impressive how thought- out and detailed the entire day is, making these ninety minutes the funniest, most heartwarming, and downright entertaining episode this show has ever seen. EPISODE 1. 82. Broadcast on January 2.
For this Lunar New Year Special, our favorite MC Jae- suk introduces today’s guests as this year’s rising stars. I’d argue that Yeo Jin- gu has been on the rise for some years now, but I’m excited about his appearance and see him exercise his variety muscles.
The cast is undoubtedly impressed by his deep register; his voice alone could easily make one forget that he’s still just a wee sixteen years old (eighteen in Korean age). Though that doesn’t stop Kwang- soo to quip: “Honestly [Jin- gu] doesn’t look 1. Coming from the giraffe who’s often mistaken for older himself, keh. Our next guest, Dohee, is initially hesitant to give a curse- slinging greeting à la her character Yoon- jin from Answer Me 1. She complies with the cast’s encouragement, and the one- line satoori smackdown leaves the boys gaping. Lol. Last but not least, we meet idol- actor Im Shi- wan, who corrects Jae- suk’s hazy memory, saying that this is only his second appearance on the show (the first being the 2.
La guerre maritime de 1939-1945,FFNL,bataille de l Atlantique,U-Boote,Doenitz,bataille du Pacifique,WWII. · Enjoy the best moments of Sharko's adventures! To subscribe to Zig & Sharlo Channel, click here: http:// Zig & Sharko in other. Quest’anno dopo una lunghissima attesa abbiamo potuto vedere la quinta stagione della serie animata Samurai Jack, che si è presentata con un appeal molto più.
Idol Olympics). The others are eager to grab the MC mic out of Jae- suk’s hands at the slip- up and carry on their own interview. It’s a bit of a chaotic mess, barely letting their guest get a word in, to much laughter and frustration. Then Jo PD introduces today’s Chinese Chess Race, constructed by a fangirl from Hong Kong, whom we saw work tirelessly at the beginning of the episode.
The cast will be divided into two teams (Red vs. Green), and none of them will know which team they belong to until the final mission. However, winning today’s games will allow them to clue in to their own identity and to switch places with another castmate.
Kwang- soo quotes a saying of how today’s friends can be tomorrow’s enemies, to which Jong- kook counters: “You’re always the enemy.” Touché. It seem silly then to know who’s on what team at present if and when those identities can easily change today.
What we know is that our fangirl has outlined all of today’s games and rules—no easy feat for a whole production team who plans every week, let alone one person. The cast must pair up before their first game, and as expected, all the boys cast their votes for Dohee, who decides to pick whoever has the best satoori (aka countrified) accent. Aw, some of their attempts are plain awful or barely passable. And then Shi- wan surprises everyone with his bleeped- out statement. While I love that he says it with a harmless smile and that this is variety and all, but eek, you’re still an idol Shi- wan- ah! Dohee chooses Jong- kook (who flushes bright red, ha) and Jin- gu teams up with similarly deep- voiced Haha.
I realize that Haha’s high- pitched Haroro character voice might make one think otherwise, but his natural tone outside of the show is surprisingly deep. We get another hilarious round of satoori attempts when it’s Shi- wan’s turn to pick. He chooses Pohang native Ji- hyo, a choice that puts Monday Boyfriend Gary on edge.
The teams reel in shock at their first game: a massive acupuncture floor obstacle race. Oh boy, so this is how we’re going to recycle all of those spare prickly mats, is it? Owww, I can already feel the pain from this side of the screen. Gary and Kwang- soo climb into the horse costume (since 2. Year of the Horse), and when they’re told that carrying teammates on their shoulders isn’t allowed, Kwang- soo drops Gary onto the floor. Ouuuuch. Then their actual run just has me in stitches: knocking down every single hurdle, rolling across the floor, and even dragging behind each other at times. Every passing second is painful for them, though hilarious for us until they finally reach the finish line.
Near tears, they cry out a thanks to their fan. Kwang- soo: “We were able to play such a fun game thanks to you! I won’t ever forget it!” Gary: “I love Hong Kong!”Dohee worries that her petite height makes her too short for the hurdles. But never fear when Jong- kook is your teammate, as he hoists Dohee on his shoulder while stepping over the hurdles like a boss. That enables them to speed through the rest of the course, and even with a time penalty (because all four feet needed to be on the ground at all times), they still finish under a minute.
Dayum. There’s this epic score that accompanies Jin- gu’s turn, which makes me think that he’s super competitive. Jin- gu and Haha opt to charge past all the hurdles for the sake of speed. That strategy works out for them though, and they beat out the other team by one second. Oh, I would have been content to watch the other teams play this game too, but we skip ahead as Haha and Jin- gu are declared the winners. Haha checks his piece (Red), and is delighted to be on top of the totem pole. Then Little Jong- kook aka Jin- gu gets adorably startled when Jae- suk teases that he can see the chess piece.
Jin- gu ends up switching teams with Jong- kook. The second mission is aptly titled the Big 3, named for the large- scaled water games previously seen in this show: the flying chair basketball, the balloon jump, and diving.
Here, the team who achieves a combined record of 3. Jae- suk and Jin- gu opt for the diving board, and while Jin- gu doesn’t seem too worried, his scaredy cat teammate tells him to take a minute. Whoa, Jin- gu is confident to take it one step further to attempt the 7. Jae- suk actually contemplates that choice for a moment before backing out.
Jin- gu’s decision grabs everyone’s attention, and the maknae grits his teeth and jumps. He even exits the water with a smile, which makes the dive all the more impressive. Then he encourages Jae- suk to follow suit, since that would put them at an advantage. So Jae- suk takes a brave few steps forward the 7. The others try to talk him out of it, but he jumps anyway. Yay! The Monday Couple tackle the balloon jump, which Gary nervously admits that this game makes him anxious every time.
He jumps, Ji- hyo flies into the air and sets a new record of 8. Dannnnng. The flying chair shooting hoops game is no joke as it requires shooting forward when the chair propels you backwards. Neither Jong- kook nor Shi- wan succeed, but the Easy Brothers do (in the same basket, no less) to put a total of 1.
For a minute there, I expected Jae- suk to do the jumping, but it turns out, he’s the one readying himself to go flying. He shoots up a pretty impressive height (7. Dohee takes a cutesy jump into the water, which leaves cowardly Haha to make up the difference.
Gary is a bundle of nerves at the 5m platform and asks Ji- hyo if they can’t jump together. Ha, so cute. Oh dear, Kwang- soo slips off the balloon while trying to get into position. Twice. Hee. Shi- wan and Jong- kook realize they’re running out of time while waiting for the balloon jump, so Shi- wan suggests they attempt the 7.
They run to the diving platform where they both jump from 7. At the same time, Jin- gu shoots a 6m basket, closing their gap to a slim 1. It’s crunch time, and with the promise to win this year’s Best Couple Award (as the Easy Brothers), Kwang- soo takes the 7. Watch The Lovers 4Shared more.
Philosophie Management"Liberating management principles - how to implement them & impact" - an article by Laurent Ledoux "Libération" d'une équipe commerciale - Principes managériaux présentés à la Journée mondiale de philosophie de l'Unesco - 1. Libérer" un ministère public : entretien avec Laurent Ledoux (par Eric Lemaire - Philo. Logos) - 1. 5 0. 4 2. Lien à l'article sur le site d'Eurologos : "Libérer" un ministère public : entretien avec Laurent Ledoux. A short guide to managers' liberation - A few thoughts from Getz & Semler collected by Laurent Ledoux.
Besides readings on environmental ethics (J. Baird Callicott in particular, but also Arne Naess, Emilie Hache, Paul Hawken, Janine Benyus..), two authors have had a strong impact on my thinking and actions this year: Isaac Getz, who gave a seminar for Philosophie & Management in January 2. Ricardo Semler, who didn't ; -) but whose books I have read with great joy.
Both have helped me formalize the insights I had developed through the years managing teams and helped me to manage better, to the point of being ready to "give up control". In this document, you will find a few revealing sentences from their respective books. In the following two presentations in English I have included reflections on managerial and social innovation, building among others on Getz and Semler: For those reading French, the following three documents also build, among others, on their ideas: Adaptive leadership - Parson's case - Presentation given by L. Ledoux at the Toolbox AG Adaptive leadership: synthesis of Ronald Heifetz's ideas.
Algorithmes et big data : réflexions et questions Suggestions de Laurent H. Une excellente lecture par un chercheur de l'Oxford Internet Institute: https: //techcrunch. Watch Finders Keepers: The Root Of All Evil Online Free HD on this page. Carlos Blanco Perez, un jeune philosophe espagnol (parfaitement bilingue en français). Il a organisé le mois passé un colloque à Oxford sur "The Future of the brain"Je commencerais le cycle par un état des lieux - qu'est- ce que la science permet aujourd'hui, et qu'est- ce qui est en vue pour les 5 années à venir : Hughes Bersini, Idriss Aberkane; David Barber au University College de Londres. Luciano Floridi, le président de l'Oxford Internet Institute a une vraie réflexion ontologique ("The Fourth Revolution").
Avoir la vue de Singularity? Nell Watson est basée en Belgique. Big data & algorithmique: il y a une question fondamentale sur "qui possède les données", est- ce un bien public?
Avec du coup beaucoup d'implications juridiques. Donc important d'avoir un bon juriste sur ce sujet (Mona Chammas, qui donne cours à Sciences Po Paris). Je différencierais éventuellement la question de l'ubérisation de Big Data & algor. Christophe Charlot, de Trends Tendance, publie un livre sur ce sujet.
La question de la désanonymisation et donc tout le débat sur la vie privée: il y a un jeune chercheur belge (actuellement au MIT, il bouge maintenant à Londres): Yves- Alexandre de Montjoye. Questions de Laurent H. Qu’entend- on par « humanisme numérique » ? ° Une nouvelle vision d’ensemble de l’homme, dans le cadre d’une vie toujours connectée (« on- life ») ? Voir par exemple la thèse de Floridi, qui dit que depuis Turing, l’homme n’est plus au centre de l’infosphère. Copernic, Darwin & Freud). Dans ce cas, on peut centrer cet humanisme sur la question de « quelle infosphère veut- on construire ? »o Est- ce que cette vision de l’homme doit se limiter à des droits fondamentaux ou doit- elle aller au- delà (inclure par exemple la question de l’activité) ?
Comment un algorithme est- il concerné par cet humanisme ? Comme objet, comme sujet, comme entité intermédiaire ? Faut- il actualiser la déclaration des droits de l’homme, pour y inclure des droits numériques fondamentaux? Adaptation des droits existants ? Par exemple § l’article 1. Nul ne sera l'objet d'immixtions arbitraires dans sa vie privée, sa famille, son domicile ou sa correspondance, ni d'atteintes à son honneur et à sa réputation.
Toute personne a droit à la protection de la loi contre de telles immixtions ou de telles atteintes. » Quid des immixtions volontaires dans un monde numérique ?§ article 1. Nouveaux droits ? Des droits positifs : l’accès universel à l’infosphère ? Des droits négatifs : le droit de choisir sans l’aide d’un algorithme ? Faut- il une instance supra- nationale de supervision numérique ? Est- ce le rôle de l’ONU ? D’un autre acteur ?
Suggestion de Jean- Claude Englebert. Du 1. 7 au 1. 9 novembre 2. La Fabrique a tenu sa 5è édition, consacrée au Big Dat (Frameries).
JC Englebert, alias Dargeant, y a donné des exposés théoriques sur le Big Data, inspirés de recherches personnelles, des travaux de Bernard Stiegler, de Dominique Cardon, Evgeni Morozov et Alain Supiot (Collège de France). Vous trouverez plus d'informations à propos des APREM ici: http: //www. Divers. Your company's data could end world hunger : Your company might have donated money to help solve humanitarian problems, but you could have something even more useful to offer: your data.
Mallory Soldner shows us how private sector companies can help make real progress on big problems - - from the refugee crisis to world hunger - - by donating untapped data and decision scientists. What might your company be able to contribute?
Mc Kinsey: Making data analytics work for you—instead of the other way around. Parution du livre de Tristan Nitot : surveillance: // les libertés au défi du numérique : comprendre et agir. Tristan Nitot est bien connu dans l'internet, pour avoir été à la fondation de Mozilla Europe et à ce titre un des architectes du succès du navigateur Firefox. Il travaille actuellement chez Cozy Cloud, pour proposer une solution libre et répartie de serveur de gestion de cloud. Il a été membre du Conseil national du numérique (2. CNIL. Surveillance: // dévoile les méthodes de surveillance et d'analyse des traces que mènent aussi bien les entreprises privées que les pouvoirs publics..
Mais surtout, ce livre cherche à rendre ses lecteurs actifs : comment choisir ses outils matériels et logiciels ; comment configurer les principaux services pour livrer le moins de données personnelles. Dans sa préface, Adrienne Charmet, de l'association La Quadrature du Net nous dit : «Il y a mille façons d'aborder la question de la surveillance et des données personnelles. Celle qui est probablement la plus utile aujourd'hui est celle qui nous redonne le pouvoir d'agir.
Celle qui fait le pari de proposer des pistes, certes partielles, mais qui redonnent du sens : il est très enthousiasmant de se voir jour après jour reprendre la main sur les outils qu'on utilise, comprendre les enjeux et faire des choix véritablement réfléchis. C'est l'approche du livre de Tristan Nitot, et en ce sens, elle est fondatrice.» Vous pourrez découvrir le livre et obtenir un spécimen en pdf à http: //cfeditions. How the blockchain is changing money and business (Ted.
X video)Les attracteurs informationnels - livre d'Alain Tihon. Participation citoyenne - Rapport sur les outils numériques. CIGREF - Actes du colloque sur la gouvernance de l'intelligence artificielle. Watch Look Who`S Talking Now Online Free HD. Le monde : comment rendre les algorithmes responsables? Projet de rapport du Parlement Européen concernant les recommemdations de la Commission sur les droits civils relatifs à la robotique. France Inter - Mounir Mahjoubi.
Suggestions et questions de Thierry P. D’abord, ce qui attire mon attention dans le programme en termes de risques et d’opportunités liés à la thématique des algorithmes: Risques, e.